Dianna-Rose Lucian Materu, is a 21 year old young leader and entrepreneur from Dodoma, Tanzania, living in Chang’ombe Ward. Dianna-Rose’s journey is a demonstration of resilience, determination, and the transformative power of youth empowerment. “Since I was little, I wanted to be a businesswoman and be financially independent. But I knew I could only do …


Young girls like Elizabeth are breaking barriers through education and setting an example to inspire others. Limited access to education for girls in rural Sierra Leone poses a significant challenge. Discriminatory practices often rooted in cultural norms and economic disparities hinder girls from receiving the life-changing education they deserve. Elizabeth is a 12-year-old young girl …


Agriculture is my way of life, and I believe it will not only secure my future but also empower my community to thrive. Joseph Joseph Nicodemus Dominick is a young leader and agriprenuer from Manyara, Tanzania. His story is a testament to the power of determination, education, and community support. Joseph has transformed his life …

Devika’s Story

“We often hear that young people are the leaders of tomorrow, I believe we are the leaders of tomorrow but our job starts today.” Devika is a biotechnology, chemistry and zoology student living in Bangalore, India. She was 16 years old when she decided to tackle the detrimental impacts of single-use plastics. This was when …

Parvathi’s Story

Young people are experiencing the devastating effects of the climate crisis all across the world from rising temperatures and extreme heat weaves to drought. Young people are responding to this crisis urgently and continue to work for a sustainable future. Parvati is a 28-year-old Youth Climate Champion working with Restless Development on the Youth Climate …

Akash’s Story

Around the world, we’re seeing clear evidence that our climate is changing. Floods, drought, temperature, air pollution have been increasing every year. Climate change is making life harder for young people who already struggle to get clean water. Akash Mishra, is 21 years old, currently living in Bangalore, volunteering as a Youth Climate Champion with …

Mayur’s Story

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues affecting young people. Young people’s vision of a better world is threatened by climate change and related systemic problems such as inequitable access to resources.  Mayur is a 21-year-old biology student from a small town called Wardha Maharashtra and is currently studying biology at Azim Premji …

Akshatha’s Story

Akshatha is a 26-year-old architect from Mirjan, Uttara Kannada in India living in Bangalore. She has been working to tackle the impacts of change in Bangalore. 

Christina’s Story

Christina is a young Restless who is challenging gender stereotypes in her community and supporting other young entrepreneurs.