YouLead covid-19 Report

Young people are fighting back against covid-19 in East Africa We conducted a regional youth survey on the impact of COVID-19 on the lives of young people in East Africa, in partnership with the YouLead Consortium and partners. Some of the recommendations that the young people shared, were that: Governments should do more to ensure …

Shifting the Power Research

“Shifting the power: what will it take to do development differently?” is a research series into Youth Civil Society, led by young people in Iraq, Lebanon, Madagascar and Uganda. Download the full report below.

Living Innovation Research

What does success look like? Supporting young people to reach their living aspirations. What are the livelihood aspirations of young people in Uganda? What is getting in their way? Through our peer to peer research approach, we were able to ask young people directly about their experiences and aspirations around livelihoods. We intend to use …

Bosco’s Story

Bosco’s shop Bosco, 24, smiles as he stands amongst shelves of useful items for sale; washing powder, batteries, packets of biscuits, soap. One side of his shop is piled high with large, cream coloured bags filled. Each bag is packed with sunflower seeds. Bosco explains, “There is a large market in Uganda for sunflower seeds.“ Customers …

Airjay’s story

Songs of awareness to stop the spread. As Uganda intensifies the fight against COVID-19, rumours and false information about how to avoid catching the virus are spreading fast. There are reports of individuals drinking high strength alcohol thinking it will protect them. But many young people are leading the way for communities across the country – including …

Youth Think Tank

Training young people to conduct and lead research projects, collecting evidence, and documenting youth needs, challenges, and aspirations in seven African countries to influence livelihoods and employment policy.

The Development Alternative

Committed to testing and developing new ways of doing development that are truly led by young people and their communities because when communities lead, development succeeds.

Youth Power Solidarity Meetups

Over the past four months, as an expression of solidarity and youth power, the youth power panel have been bringing young people together from all over the world, to connect and share ideas around COVID-19. The idea is to support young people to meet with others around the world – others they wouldn’t typically have …

Youth Powering Sustainable Development

Young people are critical agents of change for the achievement of the Global Goals but they are too often being ignored and overlooked when it comes to the implementation, follow up and review of the Goals.