Justine’s Story

Peer to Peer education saving up young lives in Tanzania Justine is a young change maker from Kyela District impacting change through peer education where he facilitates sessions in five (5) villages in Mwaya ward in Mbeya Region. Recurring incidents of abuse, assault and misconduct carried out by juvenile in conflict with the law has …

Building Back Better- Advocating for an equitable recovery form Covid19

Africa Youth Partnership Youth-led Research Series by young people from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe The youth led research was conducted under the Africa Youth Partnership outlining various impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the gaps in recovery processes in Kenya, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Whilst there have been …

Christina’s Story

Christina is a young Restless who is challenging gender stereotypes in her community and supporting other young entrepreneurs. 

Ilumbo’s Story

Each year, around one million young people enter the job market in Tanzania, yet their access to formal employment is incredibly limited. Young people face a range of challenges from accessing capital to skills mismatch, resulting in high unemployment rates. Women and girls face additional challenges as one in three girls are married before 18, …

Haroun’s Story

“Growing up was not easy. I wanted to be independent, make a decent income and support my family.”  Haroun is a 23 year old business owner from Moshi, Tanzania.  He was brought up by his aunt, as his mother passed away when he was very young. Life was not easy growing up, and he sometimes …

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East Africa Youth Inclusion Programme

East Africa Youth Inclusion Programme (EAYIP) aims at improving livelihoods by creating jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities of 25,000 economically disadvantaged young men and women (ages 15-24) in Uganda and Tanzania. The programme helps create youth owned and managed businesses as well as employment opportunities in dairy and other agricultural value chains. EAYIP is equipping young …

Girls Leadership Programme

Entrepreneurship skills for livelihood improvement. Girls Leadership Programme under the Mercury Phoenix Trust was established in 2021 targeting 1,345 youth (347 Males and 998 Female) between the age of 15-24. The programme was introduced to feed the gap in the current GRREAT project under UNICEF funding where adolescent girls receive training on life skills and …

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Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV and Nutrition among Adolescent Girls and Boys in Songwe and Mbeya regions. Adolescents aged 10 to 19 years old makes 23% of the Tanzanian population. This age group has immense potential to contribute to the development of the country. However, their potential is often not fully realised due to …

Kijana Wajibika SDG 16.7

Young people at the center of development. Kijana Wajibika SDG 16.7 is a programme that encourages young people to be at the centre of development and government processes to ensure they are driving accountability and responsiveness from the Government. Using our proven and successful youth-led, data-driven accountability model, which places young people at the centre …

Happy’s Story

Story of Happy Balisidya, a 28 year-old feminist from Tanzania in her fight against Gender-based Violence.