Restless Development Uganda Strategic Plan (Strategy Brief) 2023-2030

Uganda’s demographic trends are shaping every aspect of its development From economic growth and education to healthcare, governance, security, and climate change adaptation. With a growing youth population, the government sees this as a historic opportunity to drive the country toward middle-income status. Vision 2040 and the National Development Plans are key to this ambitious …


At the heart of everything we do is youth power. It is at the core of our mission to empower young people to become leaders in their own right and help them multiply that leadership in their communities.   In 2023, through initiatives like SHE SOARS, and We Lead to mention a few, our projects prioritised local ownership, ensuring …

Building Back Better- Advocating for an equitable recovery form Covid19

Africa Youth Partnership Youth-led Research Series by young people from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe The youth led research was conducted under the Africa Youth Partnership outlining various impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the gaps in recovery processes in Kenya, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Whilst there have been …

Living in the Climate Crisis: Young people in Uganda

Climate change is affecting young people in Uganda. How are they addressing the crises? Climate disruptions are having severe and adverse effects on people’s lives and livelihoods, demanding immediate and coordinated action. Our understanding of climate change must take into account its impacts on those most at risk of severe climate disruption – particularly young people in Africa. …

YouLead covid-19 Report

Young people are fighting back against covid-19 in East Africa We conducted a regional youth survey on the impact of COVID-19 on the lives of young people in East Africa, in partnership with the YouLead Consortium and partners. Some of the recommendations that the young people shared, were that: Governments should do more to ensure …

Shifting the Power Research

“Shifting the power: what will it take to do development differently?” is a research series into Youth Civil Society, led by young people in Iraq, Lebanon, Madagascar and Uganda. Download the full report below.

Living Innovation Research

What does success look like? Supporting young people to reach their living aspirations. What are the livelihood aspirations of young people in Uganda? What is getting in their way? Through our peer to peer research approach, we were able to ask young people directly about their experiences and aspirations around livelihoods. We intend to use …