Restless Development Sierra Leone Annual Report 2022/2023 Financial Year

Our work has had a truly remarkable impact, directly benefiting over 92,400 individuals and reaching over 1,000 communities. We have madesignificant positive changes in various critical areas through our commitment to youth leadership and community-driven solutions. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, our dedicated young volunteers conducted 610 awareness-raising sessions, equipping a total of 24,400 communitymembers with …

Building Back Better- Advocating for an equitable recovery form Covid19

Africa Youth Partnership Youth-led Research Series by young people from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe The youth led research was conducted under the Africa Youth Partnership outlining various impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the gaps in recovery processes in Kenya, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Whilst there have been …

Safeguarding is top priority in Sierra Leone

Key findings of our complaints, feedback and response mechanism review Our Sierra Leone Hub is leading the way on safeguarding. So far, we have worked with over 200 communities to ensure that they can recognise potential concerns and report safeguarding issues or incidents to us, irrespective of whether they involve one of our staff members …

Ebola Response Mid-term Review Report

On the 27th May 2015 Restless Development held an Ebola Response Mid-Term Review in Freetown. The aim was to highlight best practices, innovations, challenges and solutions based on Restless Development’s social mobilisation response, which has been delivered since June 2014.

Youth Participation in Local Council Decision-Making in Sierra Leone

The purpose of this study was to understand the reality of youth participation in decision-making at the local council level. This field research was carried out between January and March 2013 by a research team from Restless Development. If I had unlimited resources to invest in youth in the district, the priorities I would focus …

Youth Manifesto for the 2012 Elections

This manifesto shares the thoughts, hopes, expectations and fears of young people around the 2012 elections and their vision for a brighter Sierra Leone of the future. The manifesto was an advocacy tool whose goal is to inform and influence those involved in contesting the elections, bodies administering the elections, donors and civil society organisations …

The State of the Youth in Sierra Leone | 2012

May 2012 This is a report of youth-led research undertaken in 2012. The purpose of the report is to amplify the voices of young people across Sierra Leone around the key issues affecting their lives. It reflects the views of over 200 young people, and is supplemented by those of other stakeholders from civil society …

The State of the Youth in Sierra Leone | 2018

This report is an overview of young people’s experiences and perceptions from just before the 2018 presidential elections. The votes of Sierra Leone’s young people are key in elections – under 35s comprise 58% of the voting age population, a higher proportion than at any time in Sierra Leone’s history. Despite this, young people are …