Join the big conversation on education and work

Today Restless Development is launching one of the biggest global conversations on how education can better support young people’s working lives. Take part, be heard and rewire the future of education and work.

Youth Power Hacks

The Youth Power Hacks have launched to bring together hundreds of young people to hack solutions to help get the Global Goals delivered.

Addressing the hidden pandemic

As the pandemic hit, people around the world retreated in doors for safety. For too many women, home is not safe. We have to change that. Reports have shown an alarming increase in the already existing pandemic of violence against women. The Youth Power Panel is asking for leaders to raise the bar and make …

ICS update

The current phase of the ICS programme, delivered by VSO in partnership with Restless Development and Raleigh International, will come to its planned end in December 2020.

We’re In. Are you?

We’ve joined Count Us In, a community of people and organisations taking practical steps to protect what they love from climate change.

Resilient Realities report released

A new youth-led study has found that young people leading civil society organisations around the world are stepping in to help communities cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, filling gaps left by government responses.