Young climate action leader from Nepalgunj sharing his views on Climate Change in the Intergenerational Dialogue.

Restless Development Participates in “Bringing Generations Together for Climate Action” Webinar

Learning from Intergenerational Dialogue Sangita Maharjan, Programme Manager at Restless Development Nepal, represented Restless Development Nepal in a dynamic conversation with colleagues from HelpAge International, Restless Development Uganda, and Newcastle University’s Oral History Unit. The discussion that took place on April 25, 2024, focused on learnings from a pilot initiative titled “Responding to Climate Change: …


Restless Development Uganda, in partnership with Care Uganda, held a training activity for over 40 health workers from Nakawa and Makindye Division in Kampala between 5th and 6th March. As an initiative of the SHE SOARS program, the training sought to address poor provision of Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) services to the adolescent and young …

Chamada para inscrições: Projeto Fotografia Segura – “Safe Photografy”

O que significa para VOCÊ se sentir “segura”? A Restless Development está procurando 12 pessoas fotógrafas jovens para se juntarem ao movimento que pretende acabar com a violência contra crianças – alterando positivamente o ponto de vista sobre um problema que afeta metade das meninas e meninos do mundo. Quando líderes mundiais se reunirem este …


Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour TOI de te sentir “en sécurité” ? Restless Development recherche 12 jeunes photographes pour rejoindre le mouvement visant à mettre fin à la violence contre les enfants – en bouleversant positivement le point de vue sur un problème qui touche la moitié des filles et des garçons dans le monde.  …


¿Qué significa para USTED sentirse “segure”? Restless Development está buscando a 12 personas fotógrafas jóvenes para unirse al movimiento para ponerle fin a la violencia contra la niñez – irrumpir de manera positiva el punto de vista sobre un tema que afecta a la mitad de la niñez del mundo. Cuando los liderazgos del mundo …

دعوة للمشاركة: مشروع أمان للتصوير الفوتوغرافي

ماذا يعني لك أن تشعر/تشعري بـ”الأمان”؟ تبحث رستلس ديفلبمنت عن 12 مصوّراً فوتوغرافياً/مصوّرة فوتوغرافية من الشّباب للمشاركة في حركة إنهاء العنف ضد الأطفال- مما سيعرقل بشكل إيجابي وجهة النّظر حول قضية تمسّ نصف فتيات وفتيان العالم  حين سيجتمع قادة العالم في كولومبيا في شهر تشرين الثّاني/نوفمبر من أجل المؤتمر الوزاري العالمي الأوّل من نوعه لإنهاء …

The Safe photography Project

Restless Development is working with 12 young photographers on the movement to end violence against children – positively disrupting the point of view on an issue affecting half the world’s girls and boys. As world leaders met in Colombia this November for the first-ever Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children, the perspectives of young …

Achieving ESA commitments through data-driven, youth led accountability

Youth Power Driving ESA The Youth Power Driving ESA project believes that SRHR are for all people, of all genders, and that this vision can be achieved through youth-led systemic change. This project will amplify the voices of young leaders as dynamic agents of change and harness the collective power of youth civil society to …


As we leave 2023 behind, the incredible stories of resilience and the impact of Youth Power shine bright.  This year was not without disruptions and challenges, yet young people continued to advocate and act to demand a better future. Whether it’s holding governments accountable for Climate Change or campaigning for accessible Sexual and Reproductive Health …

Child Justice Week Statement – Restless Development Zambia

Restless Development Zambia Statement on Child Justice Week We are thrilled to join the nationwide commemoration of Child Justice Week under the theme, “Collaborative Implementation of the Children’s Code Act: Transforming Child Justice in Zambia.” This event provides us with a critical platform to reflect on our collective commitment to safeguarding the rights and well-being …