Welcome to the Latest Edition of the #VibeWithImpact E-Magazine

Have you ever wondered how small efforts can lead to significant change? In this edition, we proudly showcase the collaborative efforts of a dynamic group of interns from Macquarie University, Australia, who chose Restless Development India for their internship program. With diverse backgrounds in PR, Social Media, and Journalism, our team quickly bonded over shared …

Go Nisha Go

A Game of Choice, Not Chance to meaningfully engage young people. The Go Nisha Go game aims to empower adolescent girl game players to become active decision-makers in their own lives especially when it comes to becoming better equipped to make decisions and achieving positive health, safety, career, and educational outcomes. It is a digital …

Youth Power Hacks

The Youth Power Hacks have launched to bring together hundreds of young people to hack solutions to help get the Global Goals delivered.

We’re In. Are you?

We’ve joined Count Us In, a community of people and organisations taking practical steps to protect what they love from climate change.

India hub’s work on violence against children recognised by UN

A case study on our work in India on prevention of child marriages through children and youth-led strategies has been published in a special report from ‘The Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children, United Nations’.