Youth Ke Bol

Youth Empowerment Movement in Pakur, Ganjam, and Vellore A youth-led coalition, empowering young leaders to drive change in SRHR. Activities like Youth Hacks and Youth Adda foster discussions on gender, leadership, and societal challenges. Through the implementation of three Change Action Projects, the initiative has successfully engaged and influenced the lives of nearly 2000 individuals. …

MTV Nishedh

Empowering Youth for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar MTV Nishedh, in collaboration with Restless Development India, focuses on SRHR awareness. Virtual Peer Education (VPE) engages young leaders, promoting informed discussions and breaking barriers. The Virtual Peer Education (VPE) initiative, undertaken by Restless Development India, sets an ambitious target of empowering 30 …

Delhi Learning Lab – Delhi

Improving Family Planning & Reproductive Health in Dakshinpuri, Delhi Addressing challenges in resettlement colonies, Delhi Learning Lab aims to enhance family planning and reproductive health. The lab targets adolescents, parents, and community members, promoting positive change in SRHR practices. By September 2024, the Delhi Learning Lab is ambitiously targeting the empowerment of10,000 adolescents and youth, …

My Education My Rights – Odisha

Empowering Girls through Education in Odisha This initiative aims to counter the impact of COVID-19 on girls’ education in Odisha. Focused on bridging gender and digital divides, the project ensures girls’ enrollment, imparts life skills, and promotes digital inclusion. In its inaugural year, the My Education My Rights initiative in Odisha has made a significant …

PAHAL – The Initiative – Jharkhand

Empowering Change: Pahal – For Gender Equity and Child Rights Pahal is a transformative initiative combating child rights violations, particularly child marriage and gender discrimination. Working with stakeholders, Pahal aims to improve access to education, prevent child marriages, and empower young leaders to address challenges in Jharkhand. With a dedicated focus on the youth, the …

Youth Climate Action Lab

A youth-led movement on addressing the issues of climate change in Urban Bengaluru. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues affecting young people.