The Youth Power Panel has teamed up with Restless Development, Project Everyone and Unilever to launch the Youth Power Hacks: six online hackathons held in six countries over three months, bringing together hundreds of young people to hack solutions to help get the Global Goals delivered.
Progress towards the Global Goals is already way off-track, and the pandemic has made things worse.
But with #YOUTHPOWER, we can keep moving forward, we can keep finding solutions to problems and we can build a better world. Young people’s skills, passion, determination and imagination will get us there, but their ideas need funding and support.
Hacking solutions.
Through the Youth Power Hacks, young people will be able to turn their ideas into tangible impact in their communities, enabling them to lead change on their own terms. The hacks will empower young people to generate fresh innovations – the best of which will be funded and get access to expertise, enabling them to get set up for success.

“There is an African Proverb that says – It is the one who lives in the house who knows where the roof leaks. Young people understand the urgency to achieve the Global Goals because our lives and wellbeing depends on it. The Youth Hacks present an opportunity for young people to develop solutions on urgent topics in health, education, inequality, gender equality and climate.”
Get involved.
The Youth Power Hacks will be run across Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Indonesia, India and the Philippines – from February to April 2021. The online-only hacks will focus on developing youth-led solutions on topics as diverse as health and climate, to education and gender equality.
Hack dates.
Kenya 5 February 2021
South Africa 19 February 2021
Nigeria 5 March2021
Indonesia 19 March 2021
India 9 April 2021
The Philippines 23 April 2021