Young Gamechangers Fund

For too long, young people have been left out of the decisions that affect them the most.  The £4.5m Young Gamechangers Fund aims to tackle this! We searched for young activists, campaigners, disrupters, co-operators, and social entrepreneurs to lead youth-led social action across the UK, with two types of funding available:   We prioritised support for young activists …

 Moving Commitments to Action

Gender Data as a Cornerstone of Feminist Foreign Policy Since Sweden announced the world’s first feminist foreign policy (FFP) in 2014, the momentum has grown, with fifteen countries committing to FFPs by June 2024. Despite this, gender data remains overlooked in many FFP discussions and policies, hindering governments’ abilities to measure progress, ensure accountability, and …

Walking The Talk

Walking the Talk aims to boost the adoption of Feminist Foreign Policies (FFP) and gender equality in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands and the European Union. The programme advocates for an increase in Official Development Assistance (ODA) dedicated to gender equality and women’s rights.  Working hand in hand with young people, we will …


Restless Development supports the collective power of young leaders to create a better world. Our vision for Youth Power binds together our nine hubs across the world. This year, we continued our commitment to create an agency that paves the way for youth-led change and walks the talk on power shifting. Restless Development’s work is …

Democracy Moves Annual Conference 2024

Youth Power for Inclusive Democracy: Exploring New Innovations in Evolving Civic and Governance Spaces As democracies around the world face unprecedented challenges, the Democracy Moves 2024 Annual Conference arrives at a crucial moment. With authoritarianism on the rise and civil liberties shrinking, there is growing disillusionment with democratic systems. Economic and political discontent fuels scepticism …

Why We Lead is not at the UN Commission on Population and Development

The Commission on Population and Development (CPD57) started on Monday 29 April in New York. Although this historic event marks the 30th anniversary of the Cairo Programme of Action, and the We Lead partnership actively participated in ICPD30 processes, our organizations will not attend. As Israel is one of the vice-chairs of the commission, we …

Chamada para inscrições: Projeto Fotografia Segura – “Safe Photografy”

O que significa para VOCÊ se sentir “segura”? A Restless Development está procurando 12 pessoas fotógrafas jovens para se juntarem ao movimento que pretende acabar com a violência contra crianças – alterando positivamente o ponto de vista sobre um problema que afeta metade das meninas e meninos do mundo. Quando líderes mundiais se reunirem este …


Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour TOI de te sentir “en sécurité” ? Restless Development recherche 12 jeunes photographes pour rejoindre le mouvement visant à mettre fin à la violence contre les enfants – en bouleversant positivement le point de vue sur un problème qui touche la moitié des filles et des garçons dans le monde.  …


¿Qué significa para USTED sentirse “segure”? Restless Development está buscando a 12 personas fotógrafas jóvenes para unirse al movimiento para ponerle fin a la violencia contra la niñez – irrumpir de manera positiva el punto de vista sobre un tema que afecta a la mitad de la niñez del mundo. Cuando los liderazgos del mundo …

The Safe photography Project

Restless Development is working with 12 young photographers on the movement to end violence against children – positively disrupting the point of view on an issue affecting half the world’s girls and boys. When world leaders meet in Colombia this November for the first-ever Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children, the perspectives of young …