Lights, camera, action: Young photographers focus on safe spaces to end violence against children

Ten (10) photo essays by young, aspiring photographers from around the world will be on display this November 7 and 8 at the first-ever Ministerial to End Violence Against Children in Bogota, Colombia. Restless Development’s powershifting efforts towards young people has allowed a new generation of photographers to shift their own lens towards pressing societal issues.

Youth Governance Tip Sheet

Prioritising young people in programs, governance and decision-making. Restless Development US has been busy this year with their pilot program the Meaningful Youth Engagement (MYE) Lab funded by Citi Foundation. We gathered a cohort of youth-employment focussed organisations to begin discussions and imagine solutions to prioritise young people in programs, governance and decision-making. This can …

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Young people as changemakers on climate and health

Bridging the Climate change research gap through youth-led research in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is on the frontline of dramatic climate change impacts. Equipping its communities with an understanding of climate change-related risks, causes, and strategies for adaptation is now more crucial than ever. However, research on climate change in the country is limited, leaving a huge …

GenEndIt Steering Group

We are excited to announce our GenEndIt Youth Steering Group who will be working with us for one year. The GenEndIt Youth Steering Group will convene and support young people in donor and emerging donor countries to drive change on the reprioritisation of global HIV and AIDS. Sally Hamilton, United Kingdom I have been a …