To mark International Youth Day, we have a number of ways to support youth-led change that’s happening around the world.
So much good has come from young people and youth organisations in the past 12 months. They are organising around solutions to big and small problems, whether helping people through the covid pandemic, or keeping pressure on those in power to do something about the climate crisis.
Youth Power is fighting injustice, claiming power, and leading change. Youth Power is moving us forward to a better world.
Youth-led change is one of our best chances to build a better world. Here’s three ways to support Youth Power today:

1. Youth Power is innovating through the Youth Power Hacks. Teams of young people have been working hard since the start of the year to hack solutions to make the Global Goals a reality. Now you can vote on our Facebook page for the idea you think should go through to the next round and receive funding to be made a reality. Choose your top idea from one of 12 teams by watching and ‘Liking or Reacting’ their video.

2. Youth Power is effective, but what makes it a unique, powerful force for good? Let us know what you think on Twitter or Facebook.

3. Youth Power is a collective force for good. Members of the Youth Collective, thousands of youth organisations across the world, are running events to mark International Youth Day, from marches calling for rights for young people, to hacking ideas to increase food security through community action. Read what they are doing on our map.
Whatever you are doing to mark International Youth Day, let us know on social media by tagging us and using the hashtags #YouthPower #IYD2020 #Youthday.