UK activists continue BLM Activism throughout the Pandemic

A youth-led online event on the 8th October successfully used the internet to inspire change around the subject of racial justice and inequality.

Set up by Mata Durkin and Sophie Ewen, Restless Development ICS alumni, the event was centered around racial justice and equality. The event aimed to inspire a new generation of changemakers to continue the momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement, through the stories, passion and creativity of inspiring people. It brought together a diverse audience from across the world from the UK to Sierra Leone. 

Over two and a half hours, a wide-range of speakers, with a wealth of anti-racism activist experience, spoke with the audience to give them the skills to make change in their own communities.

The speakers included; Melz Owusu, the founder of Free Black Uni, a project that aims to decolonise the curriculum and revolutionise the education system in the UK, Karima Moustafa, the founder of Bracknell against Racism; Gillian Chivinge, who is the co-founder of the Breaking Through Careers podcast, as well as Khloe’ Bailey Obazee, the founder of and OKHA, the queer and black book club. 

An interactive Q and A session encouraged participants in the event to share their own stories and experiences of racism and gave them the opportunity to interact with other young people who wished to make change in this area. The event ended with a set from DJ Dibs.

I’m incredibly proud of all the work my team and I put into this event, and even more proud of how it all came together! Our speakers were incredible, and it was great to have such an amazing engaged audience. I really hope everyone had as much fun as I did!

Mata Durkin, Event organiser

This piece was written by Lizzie McBride and Fatmata Durkin.