Addressing climate change is the biggest challenge we’ve ever faced.
We know we all need to work together across regions, beliefs and ways of life to make it happen.
We’ve joined Count Us In, a community of people and organisations taking practical steps to protect what they love from climate change before it’s too late.
For the first time, a diverse coalition of culture, faith, sports, business, youth and civil society around the world have come together to build the largest and most ambitious citizen-led effort to avert the impacts of climate change.
The mission over the next decade is to mobilise 1 billion people to take practical steps that when aggregated, will make a significant impact in reducing carbon pollution and challenge leaders to act boldly to deliver global systems change.
This radical undertaking is complementary to the policy, activist and movement organising efforts for climate justice, which have seen young people take the lead on tackling the climate crisis, from school striking, disrupting public spaces to holding world leaders accountable.
We’ve joined this campaign to support young people, the largest generation in history, to continue to lead in solving the climate crisis. We’re in to protect marginalised peoples most affected by climate breakdown.
Can we count you in?
It’s not easy to know where to start, which is why the team at Count Us In have identified 16 steps that are practical and have a real impact on reducing carbon pollution. These steps will help to improve life for you now as well as adding up to something a lot bigger. You can take a step and track it on our Count Us In platform page along with thousands of others around the world.
More ways to support.
- Are you taking climate action already and want to be the first to find out about opportunities with Restless Development? Join our Climate Action Champions network.
- Read and contribute to our climate action blogs series on a climate issue that matters to you.
Are you a business or civil society partner and want to join the Count Us In community as a partner or support climate action generally?
Get in touch with Kevin Reilly, Climate Justice Senior Coordinator,