#MissingMajority at COP27

Ensuring no one gets left behind.

young people shared their messages to world leaders attending COP27

The COP27 in Egypt will be an important global platform to continue momentum and calling for increased commitments on climate and education, following on from the recent United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and Transforming Education Summit where these intersecting issues were high on political agendas.

#MissingMajority calls for strengthened youth participation and voice across global processes that are seeking to address the greatest crises of our time. This campaign provides a platform for young people to be heard. A platform to share their stories, demand greater ambition from leaders and ensure no young people are getting left behind.

Want your message shared at COP27? #MissingMajority

We want to hear from you! What is your message to world leaders attending COP? Our Missing Majority Representatives will take your message to leaders at the summit next week, and continue to put #YouthPower at the centre of everything we do!

Enter your message below, or join the conversation on social media, using #MissingMajority.

Missing Majority at COP27

We will be hosting an interactive event ‘#MissingMajority transforming climate action’ on 8th of November at the Children and Youth Pavilion from 16:00, where participants can hear the stories and insights from young people who can’t attend COP27.

Intergenerational Solidarity for Climate Justice: Activism Through the Ages.

Young and older climate activists from across sectors will have the opportunity to come together in this inspiring interactive world cafe. Through sharing short stories and their activism experiences over the decades, different generations from around the world will seek to connect their learning to strengthen the continued fight for climate justice into the future. 

Together with WOSM, WAGGGS and Future Leaders Network we will be co-hosting ‘Intergenerational Solidarity for Climate Justice: Activism Through the Ages’ at the Children and Youth Pavilion on 10 November from 17:05 – 17:55.

Alex Kent, Co-CEO of Restless Development, reflects on the UN ‘Transforming Education Summit’, and what we need to do to get the world to listen.

Transforming Education for Sustainable Development Through Youth Climate Action.

Restless Development in coordination with WOSM, WAGGGS and YOURS will be coordinating the Blue Zone event ‘Transforming Education for Sustainable Development Through Youth Climate Action’ on 11 November at 13:15 – 14:45 in the Memphis Room.

This intergenerational event will spotlight impactful global climate education programmes that are mobilising young people’s collective action for people and the planet. Decision makers will have an opportunity to reflect on the programmes shared by young people during an interactive opening panel, to provide their own insights and examples of how they are seeking to transform education to mitigate climate change and support the leadership of young people to take action. 

All COP 27 side events will be available on the official UNFCCC YouTube channel.

If you would like to know more about any of these events, please contact Inés Yábar at ines@restlessdevelopment.org