Training Civil Society Organisations to improve accountability in their project activities.
Restless Development Zambia conducted a four-day training focused on strengthening the capacities of youth-led and youth-focused non-governmental organisations in social accountability with an objective to increase civic engagement and improve transparency and accountability of government actions and policies in Zambia.

The training is part of the Aim Youth Power project’ implemented by Restless Development Zambia. It has been implemented in six provinces, and funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ).

I learnt new things such as meaningful youth engagement, inclusion and safeguarding. My organization is now well equipped to advocate for polices that will influence change.
Mulenga Bwalay, participant from Play It Forward
The training focused on advocacy, a rights-based approach to development, stakeholder mapping and analysis, budget tracking, project cycle management, gender and social inclusion, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
I will be going back to my organization with a lot of new learning and ideas. This knowledge will definitely help my organization move forward and strengthen its activities toward promotion of community voice, and accountability.
Lucy Chintu, participant from Ubuchengo, a youth-led organisation