Parliaments and the Power of Young People: A Call to Action

Young people between the ages of 15 and 24 make up about 1.2 billion of the world’s population. However, many young people have been sidelined in decision making processes at national and sub national levels, and less than 2% of parliamentarians worldwide are under 30 years old. Youth participation in politics is critical for achieving a sustainable world and to secure a more equitable and just future for generations to come.

Between July and August 2020, the OpenGov Youth Collective conducted a global survey to explore how young people perceive parliament and youth participation in parliamentary activities. 385 young people from 50 countries shared their views. 

Drawing on the findings of this survey, the OpenGov Youth Collective proposes a series of recommendations for the stronger engagement of young people in and by parliaments. Discussing inclusivity, accessibility, accountability, transparency, and representation, the full recommendations available below serve as a blueprint for ensuring young people are meaningfully engaged in politics and governance.

Read the Recommendations

Parliaments and the Power of Young People: A Call to Action
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