On the sidelines of UNESCO’s Flagship event: Digital Learning Week

About the 2024 GEM Youth Report
The 2024 GEM Youth Report on technology in education: A tool on our terms! is the result of an extensive consultation process in partnerhip with Restless Development involving +1500 youth and students across 8 regions. The consultations invited participants to reflect on the key challenges and opportunities for the use of technology in education in their regions through the lenses of two out of the four recommendations of the global Global Education Monitoring Report on technology in education: Technology on our terms. The discussions centred on the need for the use of technology in education to be appropriate for national and local contexts and to be equitable and leave no one behind.
The report calls for decisions about technology in education to prioritize learner needs after an assessment of whether its application would be appropriate, equitable, evidence-based, and sustainable and provides a compass to use for youth and students from around the world when using technology in education.
High-level launch event during Digital Learning Week
The 2024 GEMYouth Report will be launched on 5 September 2024 during Digital Learning Week at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris during an event bringing together young from different regions to discuss leveraging technology from learning.
14:30-14:35 | Setting the scene
- Primrose Manyalo (Zimbabwe), Senior Youth Collective Manager, Restless Development
14:35- 14:45 | Keynote speech
- Rémy Buisine (France), Journalist BRUT
14:45-14:47 | Youth voices matter (video message)
- Felipe Paullier (Uruguay), UN Assistant Secretary General for Youth Affairs
14:47-15:00 | Launch of the 2024 Youth Report on technology in education: A tool on our terms!
- Manos Antoninis (Greece), Director, Global Education Monitoring Report, UNESCO
- Primrose Manyalo (Zimbabwe), Senior Youth Collective Manager, Restless Development
15:00-15:05 | Video: A call to action for tech on our terms
Video with youth voices involved in the GEM Report consultation process
15:05-15:50 | Youth dialogues: placing youth at the centre of the discussions around the use of technology in education
- Ms Brianna Lee (Canada), Youth advocate on ethical AI
- Mr Ayuen Deng Buk (South Sudan), Youth advocate on education for refugees
- Ms Najd Alfadl (Saudi Arabia), SDG 4 Youth and Student Network
- Ms Léa Roubinet (France), European Youth Envoy for ITU Generation Connect programme
15:50-16:00 | Closing: towards a call to action for a tool on our terms!
- Jacob Blasius (Denmark), Executive Director, Global Student Forum
In-person participation: Room I, UNESCO’s Headquarters in Paris (register here)
Online participation: Webcast in French and English
Contact : Laura Stipanovic