Young women and girls in Zimbabwe’s rural areas are very vulnerable to HIV infection and Gender Based Violence, especially those living with disabilities. We are empowering young women and girls, and working with communities to help them build brighter futures and become leaders so that they can support their peers.
We work with young people, aged 10-30, and their communities in Ushewokunze and Hopley Farm to provide holistic solutions to these problems.
We work directly with women and girls.
We provide vocational and business management training and linking them up with incubation centres that will improve their economic opportunity. This allows them to make a living and contribute to their household’s needs, reducing their economic vulnerability.
We empower young people to collect data and evidence and to present this so as to influence decision makers at a local level. This results in improved services and infrastructure developments, such as increased health centres and police posts.
End of project evaluation
Assessing results of the Peak Youth Against HIV programme in the Harare Province of Zimbabwe, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

We work with partners.
We bring together experts, including disability specialists to bridge gaps in accessing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights information and services. These partnerships ensure that we can appropriately and effectively engage young people, in all their diversity, and facilitate them to lead change.
We work with communities.
We sensitise communities to the dangers and damage caused by Gender Based Violence and substance abuse. This helps to influence attitudes, alter perceptions and change behaviours in turn increasing the support provided to survivors of violence.