Purity is part of a programme for young girls to gain skills and knowledge to succeed in life.

Virtual Gifting with Restless

Give the gift of youth-led change this Christmas.

Are you looking for an original idea for a gift?

Do something different this festive season and make a difference. Buy a Restless gift to show your loved ones you care about them and young leaders around the world.  

How it works: 

1. Pick your Restless gift – pick which one of our three gift options you’d like to give. 

2. Make it your own. Personalise your gift with a message. 

3.  Choose a date. We can send your gift on Friday 17th December or Christmas Day. Remind your loved ones to check their emails on that day! 

4. Complete your donation and contribute to a world where young people have the power and agency to change the world for the better. Thank you! 

£26: Support young entrepreneurs in Zambia

£26 could provide an entire day of training to support a young person to set up their own business in Zambia, like Mwila

Mwila, business woman and community leader who has benefited from our Let’s Grow Our Wealth programme in Zambia.

Mwila is a business woman and community savings group leader who benefited from our Let’s Grow Our Wealth programme in Zambia, which supports young Zambians, and especially young women, in their efforts to make a living.

The programme equips them with financial literacy knowledge and skills that they need to enhance their socio-economic welfare. This support allows young people to earn money and manage, save and invest it back into their future.

£80: Life skills mentoring in Zambia

£80 could allow a young Restless leader to mentor and support 40 young girls for one month in their school’s career club equipping them with the skills they need for employment in Zambia, like Purity.

Purity, a student and member of the career club at her school, which ensures young girls gain the skills and knowledge that they need to succeed in life.

Purity is a secondary school student at Kabwe Secondary School. She is challenging the harmful cultural practices in her community that limit girls to complete their education. Purity joined her school’s career club, which ensures young girls have the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life. Through the club, she was inspired to join the boy’s woodwork team, where she learned many skills and now earns an income selling stools and mirrors. 

£179: Climate Activism in Uganda

£179 could provide one month training for a young climate champion to lead research and campaign on the impacts of climate change in their communities in Uganda, like Franco.

 Franco, a volunteer on our Youth Motivations project supporting livelihoods in Karamoja, Uganda.

Franco, a young Restless leader, took part in climate research carried out by young Restless volunteers in his community. They used the data to start a community project training farmers and influenced local leaders to implement water systems in the area. Now the entire community has enough food to eat because of access to safe drinking water.

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