Bam Bahadur Bk, a young leader from Achham is holding a mic and actively participating in a program organized by Restless Development Nepal

Bam Bahadur’s Story

Bam Bahadur BK is a young leader from Achham, Nepal whose story exemplifies resilience, determination, and the power of youth empowerment. Bam inspires and leads other young people with disabilities, proving that limitations can be overcome.


As we leave 2023 behind, the incredible stories of resilience and the impact of Youth Power shine bright.  This year was not without disruptions and challenges, yet young people continued to advocate and act to demand a better future. Whether it’s holding governments accountable for Climate Change or campaigning for accessible Sexual and Reproductive Health …

Akshatha’s Story

Akshatha is a 26-year-old architect from Mirjan, Uttara Kannada in India living in Bangalore. She has been working to tackle the impacts of change in Bangalore.