Safeguarding Concerns – Tanzania

Restless Development is committed to making sure we cause no harm to anyone as a result of the work we do.

Young people who access our programmes and the people in the communities where we work have a right to report any harmful incident or inappropriate behaviour involving our staff or volunteers. Read more about why reporting a concern is important

Each of our Hubs has a Safeguarding Lead who is responsible for maintaining the highest standards of integrity in the work we do. In Tanzania this person is;

❏ Email:
❏ Phone: +255754570159

Our Pocket Guide

To find out more about our commitment to safeguarding please read our pocket guide.


Do you have an issue to report?

To let us know about what’s concerning you please fill out a cause for concern form. Your concern will be handled with efficiency and confidentiality. And remember if you’re not sure whether to report, report.