Restless Development Signs MOU with FINCA and ZCG

Collaborations for Impact: Making Moves Towards Financial Inclusion In August 2024, Restless Development signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA) and Zambia Credit Guarantee Scheme (ZCGS), marking a timely partnership as the Zambian government pursues greater financial inclusion for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Like many Civil Society …

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Young Women’s Financial Inclusion & Empowerment In collaboration with financial service providers, we are delivering the Ulemelero ”Live Well” project which aims to increase access to inclusive financial services and products in rural and hard-to-reach rural areas, with a target of 12,500 young women and 2,500 men living in 45 rural communities. The Ulemelero is …

Fridah’s Story

– Fridah Banda Fridah Banda, a young woman from Ngala Village in Chadiza, Zambia, proved that with determination, access and hard work, financial freedom is achievable. Fridah joined the YSLA in her community in 2023, a decision that completely changed her life. Starting with a small savings pot, she began making and selling sweet scones …

Youth for Health (Y4H)

Expanding Access to Life-Changing Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare in Zambia. Spearheaded by Restless Development Zambia and supported by Marie Stopes International (MSI), Youth for Health (Y4H) is an initiative that works to expand access to life-changing adolescent sexual and reproductive healthcare and rights (ASRHR), with a focus on reaching the poorest and most marginalised …


SHE SOARS (Sexual and reproductive Health & Economic empowerment Supporting Out of school  Adolescent girls’ Rights and Skills) aims to improve access to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services for adolescents, particularly out-of-school adolescent girls, in Zambia, Kenya, and Uganda, and support the realization of these rights. Working along side health care providers and key …

No #CSE without Menstrual Health Hygiene

Call to Action: for ESA countries to accelerate the implementation of laws and policies on menstrual hygiene to end “period poverty” The #YouthPower Driving #ESA network urgently calls on the responsible governments in Sub-Saharan Africa to prioritise menstrual hygiene for Adolescent girls and young women. The stark reality is that many school-going young girls miss …


Aliness’ Story Aliness, is a 14-year-old young girl living in Petauke, Zambia.  In her village, young people face many challenges such as child marriages, teenage pregancies and child labour. Many girls, including me, and everyone who was married off at a young age are back in school because of the commitment of our village headman …

Restless Development Zambia Localised Strategic Plan 2020-2030

Unlocking the Potential of Youth-led Development through Youth Leadership The world has changed, Youth Power has changed and Restless Development has changed. Our new localised strategy recognises this, and sets out a path to support Youth Power in creating a better Zambia. Through Meaningful Youth Engagement and youth-led change, the Youth Collective, Gender Transformative, Community-Led …

Young people’s demand for accountability leads to construction of Maternity Wing.

Zambia, like many other Sub-Saharan African countries, is faced with a high burden of disease, especially maternal, child and adolescent health problems; communicable diseases (Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Tuberculosis (TB), COVID-19, among others, and a growing burden of noncommunicable diseases. Even though there has been progress in selected health indicators, particularly for maternal …