Changes to our salary scales.

During 2020/21, Restless Development will be removing the International / National role differentiation in our salary scales by bringing all formerly ‘national’ roles in line with international salaries.

Why are we doing this?

  • This removes the distinction  between “national” and “international” role types that has existed since our first salary scales. By September 2021, we will have one global role type.
  • Formerly, “international” roles were those with a global remit and were considered more senior given their larger geographic remit.  As we have evolved in recent years to become a global agency driven by our hubs this distinction is no longer suitable.  We see all roles as equally driving our global impact.
  • We believe the international and national distinction in our pay scales have unintentionally created structural racism within our organisation. The new Global Salary Scales will create salary parity between international teams (currently the majority of whom are based in London) and our national teams (the majority of whom are based in the global south).  

In early 2021 a market data analysis of salary levels will be conducted to review our current ‘international ’ salaries within each Hub’s market. This will happen prior to aligning all staff to these levels, and disbanding the ‘national remit’ categorisation.  Once this review is completed, we shall publish these salary levels and communicate the timing for the final alignment for all staff to one single salary level per role level.  Our commitment is for this to occur by September 2021.