Restless Development X Deena Gornick

Tackle Imposter Syndrome and Power Up Your Career.

Do you want to level up in your professional career and embrace your ambitions? In this interactive virtual workshop led by Executive Coach, Deena Gornick, we’ll explore techniques for tackling imposter syndrome, to bring out the best in ourselves and others at work.

Wednesday 8th June 2022 : 1 – 2 pm BST

This event is open to all aged 18+ and designed to help you overcome self-doubt and celebrate your successes.

Meet Deena Gornick

Deena Gornick is an executive coach and international speaker with over 30 years’ experience. She is a trained psychotherapist with fifteen years of experience as an actress and theatre director, which informs her work as a coach and a speaker. What began as a passion for presentation skills and inspiring passion for performance grew to an in-depth understanding of the facilitation of assertiveness, team building, leadership, and confidence-building. Deena has run training events from one-to-one to one-to-2,000 on these themes and has worked with organisations such as Redbull, Oliver Wyman, Baringa, HSBC, Lloyds TSB, Barclays, Allianz, Citibank.

Deena knows that laughter is a powerful learning tool, and she insists her participants learn through this method. She is currently writing a book about her personal journey with confidence aiming to make the physical practice of presence achievable to its readers.

Payment structure:

This virtual event is open to all on a donate what you can basis, with a recommended minimum donation of £15 per person. All proceeds will go directly to Restless Development. Registration will close at 23:59pm BST on Monday 6th June.

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Donation Total: £15

If you would like to “pay it forward” and donate on behalf of someone else, or request to attend without a donation, please contact to complete registration.


Every pound you give to our #PowerUp Appeal until 6 June will be doubled by the UK government.

This event will mark the close of Restless Development’s Power Up Appeal, which is raising money to help girls in Sierra Leone go to school, get their education and shape their own futures. Every pound given to the Power Up Appeal until 6 June 2022 will be doubled by the UK Government.